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Friday, April 8, 2011

Wadsworth Cousins!

Rebekah and Cassidy! This is the only way I know how to get a hold of you..hehe. Please may I get the info about your store? I want to buy from you guys desperately. What you all have going on over there is great. what can I do about my mother-in-law who probably wants stuff but lives in Idaho? Do you ship things out of state or do we just come to your house? I am getting all excited about eating healthy these days.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie! First thing, I love your blog and I think you have one of the cutest families imaginable!
    Secondly, I can give you any information you want about our store. What's your email address? I can send you an email detailing whatever you want to know and answering the questions you asked above. Great to hear from you! We would be so excited if you came by to check us out!
